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A Speaker Talks About The Impact of Climate Change

Climate change is the most pressing global environmental issues today. The effects of climate change are getting worse and worse by the day. Oceans become more acidic, killing off many marine species and corals. Ice is melting rapidly, which means an increase in sea level. Species are becoming extinct as their habitats no longer become livable for them. We experience extreme weather phenomena. There’s a massive migration of groups who are deeply affected by climate change (the term ‘climate refugees’ is quickly gaining traction in environmental discussions.) Every day, we feel the temperature getting more humid as the air becomes less and less healthy. The change in global temperature endangers the survival of all of Earth’s species, including and especially human beings. However, there are still many powerful individuals and groups who deny the existence of climate change. They throw rocks at the overwhelming evidence brought by climate scientists and environmental scholars. Their reasons may vary: it’s either they simply do not believe in climate change because they do not directly experience its effects, or they are protecting certain interests, usually those of businesses or industries whose environmental footprints show major environmental damage.

This is why the discussion on climate change is more important than ever. People need a solid, consistent, reliable narrative to follow in the climate change debate so that they can support the move towards more sustainable environmental practices. Starting with information and discussion, we can help make sure our children and their children will survive in the home we call Earth.

Aside from its effects to the Earth’s flora and fauna, what are climate change’s effects to us human beings? How to prevent climate change? Here are some discussion points one might expect from a climate change speaker at an environmental conference.

Effects of climate change to humans

Here are some of the many examples of the effects of climate change to humans.

  • Health problems: when fossil fuel emissions produce the greenhouse effect (where harmful gases are trapped in the atmosphere), this also causes respiratory diseases in children and adults. Air pollution kills 7 million people every year. Many have also died from heat strokes, and people are constantly struggling with heat-related stress that results in lower productivity, mental health issues, and a lower quality of life overall.

  • Those living in coastal communities are directly affected by rising sea levels. There are people who are forced to migrate for their own safety, and in poorer areas or countries this can be troubling for those who may not be able to afford to migrate or whose source of livelihood is the sea. This is one example of how climate change crosses over from the ‘environment’ category of issues to economics, politics, and society.

  • Climate change is associated with stronger and more frequent storms, more (and sometimes acidic) rainfall, flooding, increased instances of wildfires, and more. This directly threatens communities, and if communities are unprepared, it could mean severe damage to properties and homes.

How can we prevent climate change?

There are plenty of things individuals can do to prevent climate change. It requires making changes to your daily activities. Commute or ride a bike to work everyday to lessen the greenhouse gases emitted by cars. Conserve the energy you use by making sure to unplug or turn off devices; better yet, consider having your home solar-powered. Reduce your use of plastic and other waste by using reusable bottles, containers, straws, bags, and the like. Make recycling a habit. Most importantly, use your political voice: vote for programs and policies that make big moves towards a greener environment. For climate change prevention to become a community effort, individuals must also increase their social awareness and participation. We can spread the word about climate change and encourage friends and family to transition towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle. We can also join groups and communities that actively fight to address global climate issues.

Want a more in-depth discussion on climate change? Invite Ian Cohen to your next environmental conference

Long-time environmental activist and former member of parliament Ian Cohen has been making appearances at organisations who wish to have a deeper understanding of climate issues. As one of the leading speakers on climate change in Australia, Ian Cohen’s deep green knowledge of the history of the Australian environmental movement has developed in his audience more profound perspectives on how to be a better inhabitant of our planet Earth. To know more about Ian Cohen, visit his website. You may also reach out to him via the contact form found on the website.


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