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Top 4 Concerns That Environmental Leaders Need to Tackle

Our planet is currently plagued by numerous issues and concerns. All of them have major effects to us human beings. Not only do they pose health risks, they also cause our natural resources to deplete.

So, what are these concerns that environmental leaders need to focus on and tackle?

1. Pollution

One of the world’s biggest environmental concerns is pollution. Air pollution, for one, is caused by the combustion of fossil fuels, as well as other toxins and harmful gases that are released into the air.

Here are some of the common air pollutants today:

  • Ozone - This is a colorless and odorless gas generated when nitrogen oxides that are present in industrial machines and volatile organic compounds are exposed to sunlight. When inhaled, this gas can cause a variety of health issues, such as throat irritation, bronchitis, cough, chest pain, and asthma.

  • Nitrogen Dioxide - A dangerous and highly reactive gas that is formed when fuel is exposed to high temperatures, nitrogen dioxide can cause lung irritation and increase a person’s vulnerability and susceptibility to different respiratory problems.

  • Lead - This is a common ingredient that is used in manufactured products. It’s widely used in paint and gasoline. The exposure to this substance can result in kidney problems, miscarriage, death, and learning disabilities.

  • Methane - Intensive animal production industries are releasing the harmful gas called methane.

2. Proper Waste Disposal

The world’s population is increasing, and with the current consumption habits unresolved, global pollution is at crisis point. To counteract the waste plague, societies need to reduce, conserve, and recycle.

Here’s the real scenario: solid garbage usually ends up in landfill sites and it does no good to the environment. When this garbage decomposes, it may tend to attract vermin and leach into groundwater. It is for such reasons that environmental sustainability consultants keep on focusing their efforts on finding solutions to for our proper waste disposal problems.

3. Climate Change

Yes, climate change is a problem that we can no longer ignore. In fact, Pope Francis himself has urged the public to take action. He said:

“Climate change is a global phenomenon with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political, and for the distribution of goods. It represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day. If present trends continue, this century may well witness extraordinary climate change and an unprecedented destruction of ecosystems, with serious consequences for all of us.”

Because of climate change, our shorelines are eroded. Coastal regions are being flooded. Low-lying cities become more prone to flooding. Moreover, the demand for energy is becoming higher as people consume more electricity for air conditioning, especially in a warming and climatically less stable world.

At the moment, the Pacific island nations from Australia and the small island nations face an impending emergency as ocean levels rise, displacing communities and leading to environmental refugees.

4. Species Extinction and Loss of Food Production Lands

In both the industrial West and developing nations, the loss of habitat, unsustainable forest practices, poaching, food resource extraction, harvesting for traditional medicines and fashionable food indulgences like shark fins, oversee the rapid decline of many vulnerable species. New South Wales of Australia has currently the highest rate of mammalian species extinction in the world.

In addition, more frequent fires are predicted, and the loss of productive agricultural land and forests are becoming a problem. And with less stable climate economies, global food shortages will take place.

To know more about these issues, reach out to our climate change and environmental keynote speaker, Ian Cohen.


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