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Debating a lively 'Right to Die'

Euthanasia which we thought dead on the parliamentary arena has risen more alive than ever. Over a decade ago I attempted to get a similar Bill through the NSW parliament but failed due to the pervasive power of the churches and a strong misinformation campaign. My Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill failed in the NSW Legislative Council with a conscience vote. I followed up with a Rights of the Terminally Ill Referendum Bill in an attempt to take it to the general public at the following election knowing that there was clear majority public support. That bill was also voted down. There was a belief that the Parliaments of Australia were too conservative to consider such a change but the Victorian Parliament is on the brink of historic change despite the intercession of former PM Paul Keating who presumes that doctors would be as ruthless as he was when a politician. The right to die a peaceful and dignified death is one of the last human rights of modern western democracies. Hats off to Andrew Denton as he continues to impact the acts of Parliament

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